Holy hell people. I'm going to re-quote my own comment in the last thread.

The entitlement complex some of you all have is outrageous.

This is game development, not some small assignment that's going to have a report every couple of weeks. For a major AAA game no less. If you chose to be part of the Early Access, you knew this going in. They even said it prior to them selling anything. The game isn't going anywhere. You are willingly participating.

I think it's been made clear by every single one of their major patches and hotfixes they've been listening to feedback. There's a priority. Unlike DoS, where they were completely fan funded, this is not. Sure, you could argue the fact that they're selling a product. But this is extremely different. The shareholders are not us this time. They don't owe us an update every step of the way. It's going to be a long year and half (or more) if you folks keep wanting news every 2 weeks. It'll happen. We are just out of the holidays and still in a worldwide pandemic. BG2 came out 20 years ago (21 this year) Another 2 years isn't going to kill you.

It's fun to read the updates as they come, but I check the forums once a week. If there's news, great. If there isn't, just check next week. There's not going to be major developments every 2 weeks. It's not like I'm going to get screwed out of my money. I'll have a game a launch, just the same as anyone else. Personally I haven't touched the game since initially beating the first act. I'll probably go in again this update.

Last edited by odesseiron81; 15/02/21 03:52 PM.