Originally Posted by Gimbal
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
It looks like you don't like RTWP smile

Had you tried The Temple of Elemental Evil (or any other TB tabletop based vdeo game) or is BG3 your first D&D turn based video game ?

About advantages, did you notice the highground/backstab advantages or are you playing with spells like true strike / faery fire / invisibility and so on ? Are you usual with tactical TB games ?

These are serious question to understand a very different point of view than mine.

Well, I'm not sure it's the RTWP element I dislike about the other games, but rather whether the games gave me an overall feeling of excitement when entering combat. I could turn the question around and ask if you liked the combat in BG1 and2?

My main issue with Pathfinder, which is the one I most recently played, is that all enemies gather mindlessly around one or two characters and you sit and wait for all the carnage to be over, and you really have to pause a lot to maintain just a bit of situational awareness. D:OS 1&2 were my first turn-based tactical combat games, and I wasn't fond of the concept to begin with (it was my main doubt before buying D:OS 1), but it won me over. I don't know if the turn-based part is what made the experience better, or if it is Larian's ability to make fights tactically interesting, with some pretty decent AI. So I can't really answer you fully, whether one system just makes things better or not, but I don't miss RTWP in BG3. The main shortcoming in D:OS is that you spend the same resource to move and attack, so I rarely moved characters into better positions and tended to stay as much in place as possible. BG3 completely mends this, by having movement seperate of attack actions, and it feels more dynamic. I also get a feeling of being able to see where things are headed, which is a basic premise for making tactical decisions, rather than just hoping things work out. Again, whether this is attributed to one system over another, or Larian's coding skills and encounter planning, I honestly don't know.

And I'm not familiar enough with 5e to notice all deviations, so this is all very general, about how it feels to play the game.

It really looks like your issues comes from RTWP.
You're not always "waiting until the end of the butchery", especially in harder difficulty mode but of course, you can't meticulously plan things because everything happen in real time.

Reading your comment, it looks like it's the main reason why BG3 is your favorite D&D video game.
The only 2 others are the (old) temple of elemental evil and (the less ambitious) Solasta. That's probably why you never experienced any other D&D TB games before.

I love RTWP but I also love tactical turn based game.
Both are different style and have pros/cons.

Tactic is obviously the most interresting things in TB but if I compare BG3 to other tactical turn based game (including DoS) I don't find its combats very engaging.

We lost a lot of what was interresting in DoS in the D&D implementation process, and at the moment combats are far from being as tactical as D&D TB combats should be in a video game (synergies between companions, tons of choices and possibilities, cover mechanic,...)

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus