Originally Posted by Ravenfeeder
Firstly the complaint that Larian isn't using D&D RAW and creating house rules. I first played D&D 40 years ago and have played a lot of RPG's since then. The 80's were basically one long RPG session for me. With any system after the fist couple of sessions we always used house rules. That's various different groups. I've never met a group of role-players who didn't use house rules in their games. So why is this a bad thing for Larian to do? Maybe I'm just out of date and all the cool D&D5e kids play RAW now.

The argument isn't that Larian should be "100% RAW no exceptions" the argument is that particular rule changes are not making the game better, and it would better and more fun if they just had implemented the RAW instead.

"Players use home rules" is a strange argument when the complaints are that the home rules in question are detrimental to the game. They're not arguing that home rules shouldn't be allowed, they're arguing against these specific changes.

Optimistically Apocalyptic