Originally Posted by Scribe
It doesnt have to be all or nothing. I do not believe its beyond the pale to expect a D&D game to follow the current rule set. Candle Dipping? Shouldnt exist. Explosive Barrels? Everywhere? Shouldnt exist. Every archer you face packing explosive fire or acid arrows? Shouldnt exist. Abilities that are clearly Action, and not Bonus, being available (Shove)? Shouldnt exist as such, and should match the rules set.

Jumping in combat? Please.

Dont paint the 'we want 5e' crowd as this unreasonable 'RAW only' mob. The current implementation is an absolute farce, and it should be fixed.

We have about 15 minutes to wait. If I dont get some pretty clear 'we hear you and we will fix it' vibes, I'm fighting for a refund.

Sorry but I just basically disagree with everything you said there. It just kind of seems like you want to knit pick ANYTHING that isn't 5e. The game is "based" on 5e, that doesn't mean it has to be a 1:1 carbon copy of it. Why would a video game limit that much and probably limit its playerbase to just D&D nerds (and I mean that in the best possible way, I was one for years). If they did that, and did not add some other flavor to the game, it would turn off more players than draw in. Not to mention, there is even a good number of D&D players that despise 5e. Just saying.