Originally Posted by Temperance
Originally Posted by nation
i mean, the whole hag combat swen was just trying to yeet her off a ledge - the developer was gaming his own game to win. it may seem critical, and i want larian and bg3 to succeed, but like - come on fam
This was really painful to watch. I also want them to succeed but that fight... it just showed everyone how the game really works : you have to already know what's ahead of you to be able to use it at your advantage, and you spend more time working around the party movement mechanics and such rather than playing the game and using cool abilities.
There has been 0 progress made on the flow of the game, on the balance or rather unbalance of advantage/backstab/spells and spell scrolls for everyone, etc.

Just wondering, are you a mouse/keyboard player or a controller player? Because I haven't had that party movement playing with mouse and keyboard. A couple of camera glitches but that is about it. As for the hag fight, I liked that it was a difficult fight, so tired of just click to win fights in todays games. But it wasn't THAT hard, you just have to pay attention to which one is her. Just my 2 cents.

Didn't watch the livecast though, I just don't care that much for them, and usually they don't really tell anything. I will check out the patch 4 trailer though.