Originally Posted by Kadajko
Originally Posted by Pandemonica
I mean this all started in Dragon Age, where everyone spoke except the PC, but I mean even they integrated PC voice in DA 2.

And just like that, the quality of roleplaying and dialogue options from Dragon Age to DA2 got extremely downgraded. Unfortunetely this is unavoidable as quality of roleplaying and dialogue options are diametrically opposed to PC voice acting in video games, due to resource constraints.

DA2 had quite a few problems (*cough* reused assets *cough*), but I am not convinced that voiced protagonist was one of them. For one thing, in DA:O everybody else was already voiced, so your options were still highly constrained by the lines that they recorded for NPC's. On top of that, the Warden would stand like a doofus with his/her arms crossed and nod during every conversation. Oh how I hated that!

Hawke was reasonably well voice acted, and entertaining to watch. The dialogue wheel (or whatever they called it) was often frustrating to use, and I hated not knowing what I was going to say until after I started saying it... but at least I didn't stand there like a moron while everybody else did the talking.

If you want more roleplaying options (and I agree that this is a very worthwhile goal) then that probably means that voice acting for NPC's must be replaced or heavily subsidized with text. I would be thrilled if BG3 went this direction, but I really do not expect it. Failing this, I really hope that they record dialog for <charname> so that I don't stand there like a mute Warden again.