Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
Originally Posted by Hilarian
I do like how people use words like "we" or "community" though. Even the forum or discord itself are barely hundreds from active users while the game has over a million players. Now, the issue is that you could add your own opinions about what needed to be changed about the game but that doesn't mean that the developers think it's something that should be changed or could be changed based on time and resources. First and foremost, you are just a consumer, not a stockholder. What you want added is just one of the voices, even in the forum, with hundreds of other suggestions. If you quit because the game doesn't incorporate what you think is important then it is more on you. There is a difference between demand and request, and unless you're a stockholder, I don't see the company obligated to do anything.

Sure, we may not be the majority, but "we" and "community" is clearly used in relation to long-term RPG fans. Whether that be fans of Larian's prior games, fans of Baldur's Gate 1+2, fans of Final Fantasy, fans of Fire Emblem, Fans of Dungeons and Dragons, fans of Dragon Age, fans of Pokemon, fans of Dragon Quest, etc...

We understand that the average consumer loves Skyrim and GTA V, but what that doesn't mean our opinions are invalid.

Truth is that if the average consumer plays enough RPGs they usually have analogous opinions to ours. Truth is Skyrim did have some great ideas that went on to inspire Nintendo to make Breath of the Wild.

Whether or not Larian is going to value our opinions as dollars, our opinions is how Baldur's Gate 3 will be remembered. After the dust settles it's only RPG fans who will purchase the game down the road.

When a large number of long-term, turn-based RPG fans express their concerns of the same issues, it matters.

Sure Larian may get a nice profit over cut-scenes, story, and romance options... but the legacy matters too.

Look at Bethesda, they ignored their fans and had to sell themselves to Microsoft. Look at CD Projekt Red, they told themselves they knew better and now are facing lawsuits from fans and investors. Look at BHVR, they rolled out a UI that 90 percent of active forum members said they hated.... Now they're using resources to change the UI again while still trying to fix the insane amount of bugs they added to the game.

Yes, we all know we are a minority. But the forum members here have all been passionate and have all cared about Baldur's Gate 3 being a great game versus a game we'll all forget about after a year. (In general).

I'd rather state my opinion and not be heard than have said nothing at all.

Even here on the forum, there are people who like what Larian is doing. And you think we're not Dragon Age fans? Not fans of PoE? Or other RPG games? No, we, just like you, love RPG games. But maybe we just have different tastes and requirements for them?

No need to speak for all "fan base of RPG games".

Because it's not about everyone, you're still under the delusion that Larian will lose all the RPG fans just because they're moving away from tradition, taking some risks to show something new. Also, the situation of CD Projekt Red was quite different and it is not very appropriate to mention it here. The fact that Larian gave you early access already puts them on another level. Because CD Projekt Red called their early access "release".

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty