Originally Posted by arion
Before the start of EA, I very often fought with the "DOS3 haters squad", but a couple more such patches and I will most likely be among them...

...no you are not listening Larian, not at all.

Larian is listening.

Changes that have been made in response to the requests of the community:

  • Surfaces caused by cantrips were removed as they unbalanced combat,
  • The number of short rests allowed per long rest were increased
  • How NPCs calculated approval ratings was adjusted
  • Group jump was added
  • The upcasting UI was changed in order to streamline the quick bar
  • XP rewards for peaceful solutions was added.
  • Extra inspiration points were added
  • Cross saves were added

There are other QOL changes if you care to check the patch notes.

In the new patch we will be getting the following things that the community has been asking for:

  • A new class
  • New spells
  • The ability to click on portraits to target party members with spells
  • The option to choose loaded dice to alleviate RNG frustration
  • The option to flee combat
  • A streamlined lit torch interface
  • Inventory UI tweaks
  • Improved cinematics
  • Improved lighting

And those are just the ones that were announced, there will be more in the new patch notes.

Larian is listening to its million plus member community and making changes with each and every patch.