Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Originally Posted by Niara
The 'use' of shocking grasp at the moment is that, after you fill the room with water, such as from your free casts of it from Rain-dancer, you can shocking grasp the puddle and stun-without-save an entire room of enemies. Soon you'll be able to do this with witch-bolt too.

I had forgotten that was a thing.

I abused the hell out of that specific tactic (along with freezes too) in D:OS2 Tactician, and even then it was way harder to do it there on account of the armor system (though that game ran on cooldowns rather than spell slots too). I am not sure how I feel about wanting to do the same for BG3. On a fundamental level, it should bother me quite a bit, because we really shouldn't be bringing mechanics from one game series directly into another older established series in an almost 1:1 copy. If it did extra damage only? Fine. But stun is a bit much.

I say this as someone who still loves D:OS2 but recognizes its many balancing flaws. And seeing similar balancing flaws already crop up this early into BG3 with half the community and the developers themselves seemingly being rather unconcerned about it worries me.

As someone who could never get into the D:O series
I feel that tactic, fits in this game perfectly though. In DnD/PF/etc thats the sort of resourceful thinking you look for in players and reward them for spotting, especially when you didnt think of the possibility. Finding creative things to do with spells, is DnD, so having it be possible in game is great.
And with rolls outside of combat and other inclusions, it looks like the game going forward will likely have creative rules for spells and abilities out of combat too.
Its only abuse if you choose to abuse it too. Like thats a player choice thing and in single player who cares and in multiplayer/co-op same as in table top, can talk it over with other players and agree how to go so I kinda feel its a no issue thing.

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak