Originally Posted by Alodar
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Alodar
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I didn't hear any mention of the issues most important to this community: movement mechanics, rule implementation and party size

When you say most important to this community, what you mean is most important to you.

This is a diverse community who have different likes and dislikes.

You should probably look at the MEGA THREAD forum.

The MEGA THREAD forum is also not the community. (It's an echo chamber of the same folks posting the same things over and over)
It is a subset of the community.

No person or small group of people speaks for the BG3 community.
If there are issues that are important to individuals it is fantastic if they post them in the forums but claiming to speak for the community is both false and disingenuous.

And that mega thread does not even take into account forum posters with multiple accounts. They would have a better luck proving that there are aliens on earth than proving they have some sort of majority agreement that represents the bulk of forum posters. There are too many variables to skew that information.