Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
We are approaching the 6 months mark and they addressed almost nothing of the feedback from the forums.

There are plenty of really amazing ideas here that have been actively ignored and the game is going to a very worrisome direction.
I'm sort-of coming to term with the realization that when it comes to "make the best Baldur's Gate game ever made" it may not even be an issue of Larian having the talent or not. It's that they are not even trying.

Just ot be clear: I'm not joking, not whining, nor asking for my money back. I'm just commenting on the realization that the tells are fairly clear.
They are already setting their mind from the get go on some massive compromise as their final goal, before deciding if they'll have to cut something else along the way.

"Day/Night cycle and notion of passing time? A LARGE cast of unique character that can join you in your adventure? A party of six adventures AND a control system simple and intuitive enough to make it effortless to manage?
All things the previous games had, but I'm sure we can do without most of them because we need to cut corners somewhere".

Well, I'm sure the end result will be a somewhat enjoyable game, probably even with some GREAT setpieces and moments.
But my confidence that it will be the best possible Baldur's Gate that Larian could make? How could I have it, when they are giving up on it from the starting line?

Last edited by Tuco; 20/02/21 06:50 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN