Originally Posted by biomag
Just because I don't use barrels, grenades, shove & jump it doesn't change neither what the AI is doing nor how the encounters have been balanced. Just watch Swen play during the panel and you see that they designed the encounters with these options to be used in mind. The encounters are especially balanced and designed to be using the stealth + enemies stuck in turn-based-combo.

Animals climbing ladders... I don't mind bears, but cows probably shouldn't even if its mainly just to keep the party movement less annoying (as Larian dropped the ball on controls to beginn with). For me the other changes to the Druid class are far worse and not to mention that publicity stunt to do the animals' animation for the show before fixing the animations of creatures using the small humanoid rig - as Niara mentioned.

...but its all about Swen's perception of fun, so seeing how closely BG3 encounter-design resembles DOS2, I don't exect anything to change.

From what I saw of the broadcast, Swen's "playstyle" if you can call it that, is the last place you should go to take tips from 8P. I prefer just to play the way that is entertaining to me, and I tend to not worry about if Goblins use barrels or whatever. I just know I choose not to, and it doesn't effect my ability in fights. I mean Swen is a founder of the company, I don't expect him to actually know what he is doing playing. That is what he hires others to do. This whole Panel from Hell is just some publicity stunt, that is why I don't even bother with them.

I am more concerned about how OP the druid seems, when they can just fly to a location, then turn into a bear on the same turn and attack. That is just going to be abused like crazy, and I am willing to bet there will be changes before the game goes live.

Last edited by Pandemonica; 20/02/21 07:29 PM.