Again there’s a reason I deliberately avoided going after Barrelmancy, it is another tactical option at the end of the day, and hardly a problem to prioritize over literally everything else questionable about the combat design.

I am actually a girl, but on a practical level as Nenio from Pathfinder WotR would say, ‘that information is irrelevant’ (the rest of the phrase being ‘and thus I’ve decided to forget it’. She’s a legit hilarious character by the way). So I don’t really care what you all call me, I’m generally used to it since I usually prefer playing male characters in RPGs anyway. :P

I had a certain thought. What if some of these are already being addressed in the upcoming patch, they just deliberately avoided mentioning it because they didn’t want a fight breaking out in stream chat or people crying about perceived nerfs? Having spent years in the DOS fan base myself, there’s a certain... Devotion to them.

I don’t mean to give anyone false hope, but the adjustment to field effects being once per turn instead of being distance based was something they left out of the patch notes last time, even though it was a major balance change.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 20/02/21 08:48 PM.