Originally Posted by Topper
Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Topper
More of a positive counter I'd say.
You are not fooling anyone. It's a textbook parody thread. Some forums have even explicit rules against that.
It's passive-aggressive and reactionary, not to mention a deliberate attempt to be catty toward another user.
Hardly a shining display of "positivity".

And that's without going into the fact...

Originally Posted by Topper
Supporting a game I love is petty and childish.......... Think about what you wrote Tuco. Noone cares about what games you choose to play.

...That you are either playing the fool for your own convenience or your reading comprehension sucks.
Ah Tuco, your colours are bare. To infer so much hatred in one thread. Pity.
Topper: quit the passive-aggressiveness or the thread gets locked.