So instead of coming up with a well reasoned argument to counter any grievances, you’re just going to make a personal jab at someone?
And this was right after someone else making a thread yesterday specifically singling out detractors for being ‘too aggressive’. You know, nobody has actually said anything to refute any points in my huge feedback thread yet either.
With all due respect as a former moderator myself (of a MMO no less!), this and the other one really should have been nuked from orbit long ago. There is no inherent value in leaving this open.
Though if you really want a serious reply, I am still on but for entirely different reasons. The development process of games legitimately interest me, and I want to see what changes, if any for better or for worse, happen. And if not, let’s see if I’m 3 for 3 in correctly predicting how badly the mid/endgame balance will become.
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 20/02/21 11:35 PM.