Sure, I've taken a drink of ale mid-combat. But that's never healed my character in tabletop.

I'm open-minded about food having some benefits, but it needs to be something that keeps the player engaged. There are so many healing potions in the game alone, food-healing just becomes excessive.

All-in-all food-healing isn't the biggest issue from the bunch. But I would like to have points in the game where it's worthwhile to consider using healing spells, handing out food and potions before every fight isn't really that strategic. (compounded with being able to long rest everywhere, the issue isn't eating food alone).

I'd rather only be able to rest at safe zones and use food for contextual flavor. (I'm okay with the character earing in combat if it's there to play an animation for humor, with no other benefit). So that I can consider when to use healing word or cure wounds in combat.