Then go play something else FFS. What a bunch of entitled crybabies

I'm not sure where we are supposed to draw a direct logical correlation between what we are "going to play" (or why we should, for all that matters) and this thread being petty and childish as hell.
Also, I'm sure that being a complete sycophant is exactly what will help this game reaching new heights.
No more petty and childish than the thread directly under it with the title "I'm out'. Did you post comments in that thread too? Point is if people can post negative threads stating they're out or urging people to review bomb the game with negative posts then positive posts should be and are just as welcome. Just because you and a group of others have a problem with the game doesn't mean that everybody does and that they're wrong for liking the game.
One other thing too. I don't believe it's name calling when the truth is being told. Some of you are acting like spoiled brats and crybabies because the game for some reason or other doesn't meet your standards. Nobody is saying you have to like the game but don't come down on the people who do. The OP is right too. If you don't like the game and the direction that it's going then move on and find something else. Some of you act as though Larian has an obligation to change the game to meet your criteria of what you want the game to be. That's not how it works.