Originally Posted by Tzelanit
I made a parody thread a few months back and it was shut down immediately and my thread was merged as a comment into the thread I was parodying, but this has gone on for three pages. Sure seems like people with positive comments about the game get way more passes than people who are rightfully critical of it. I guess that's to be expected though. Having a forum full of outrage affects a company's bottom line and we certainly can't have that.
I don't really see it as a parody thread. The OP likes the game and the title of his thread says so. Why should his thread be disallowed when it's clearly positive while a negative thread titled "I'm out' is allowed to remain. I'm in clearly lets everybody know where the OP stands in regards to the game. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. He should be just as entitle to post a positive thread as the people are who are posting negative threads. One is no worse than the other.