Wow, you guys are petty. So I guess it is ok to start a thread about trying to start a review bomb right Scribe? How about another 2 page post to stroke your own ego Saito Hikari? I mean seriously. All you guys do is try to show how superior you are in your "knowledge" of 5e and game development why don't you team up and go and make a game lol? Anyways, I am done with this thread and people who do nothing in their posts but insult the OP, while trying to say he is so insulting for posting a thread of a similar title of a thread crying about how much he is out of the game and still posts actively on a game he hates.
I only go after people who deserve it, and OP crossed that line with the creation of this thread. The thread this is parodying was created out of frustration with the development direction of this game, though the implied practice of review bombing is stupid as hell, and the end result of that thread anyway is maybe half a dozen people 'review bombing' in favor or against the game. Let's face it, this forum is actually rather quiet by most standards.
You are defending a thread that only exists to take a personal jab at the former, the end goal basically being nothing but that,
without realizing the total hypocrisy about doing something that's several degrees more petty than the thing you perceived others to be doing to begin with. My standards are at least consistent on this front - I went after someone else yesterday insulting a game dev to the effect of 'please tell me what games you worked on so I can avoid them', for merely suggesting changes that I too highly disagreed with. is everything.
That said, your post did tell me something useful.
You've basically admitted that you did read my thread and could not come up with any kind of argument against it, and you instead went and decided that it was a good idea to make it so that the point I was making about the OP would also apply to you too,
when nothing about the post was even directed at you to begin with. I don't mean to insult you, but you should pick your fights better.
An ego though? That's a new one. The wording might come off as such, but it should also tell most people another thing on a practical level. It only means I simply have way too much time on my hands, more than any normal person should have any right to have, and at least my efforts are ultimately trying to steer the forum towards a more constructive way of thinking. Which is far more than anyone can say of this thread. Why am I not a game dev? There are many reasons for that, none worth entertaining on a practical level, like how asking 'how come Sven couldn't beat the hag on the live stream of his own game' doesn't actually result in any useful answers that should be entertained either.
I only argue as much as I do because I believe there should be a clear line separating DOS and BG, and muddying the waters this much is a bad thing, especially when I feel that it's for all the wrong reasons. Kind of like how I would argue that the infamous Blackpits fight in DOS:2 would actually be one of the most well designed fights in existence, if it weren't for the fact that countering cursed fire/Necrofire is way harder than it should have been, and the allied NPC insists on doing cartwheels through them for whatever reason. I've been a Larian/D:OS fan longer than I have been a DnD fan (by about a year), but at least I took the time to understand how the DnD system works because I believe Larian CAN do better, and I have better sense than to become *that* person trying to gleefully mansplain to fans of the source material about how their dinosaur of a system can't be properly adapted to video game format because [entirely personal preference reasons here]. The thing that burns me the most is that it is
almost a great game on a combat level, and that's the only reason I continue to argue instead of abandoning the project.
I am sure I will still enjoy BG3 for many other reasons beyond my grievances with the combat design, and it's why I am firmly against getting off the train. To the devs' credit, I love Shadowheart's writing because she's one of the few female evil characters who has actual standards and doesn't revel in how evil she can be. That is exceedingly rare to find in fiction.