Originally Posted by Zarna
Originally Posted by Pandemonica
Just because the mechanic is in there, does not "force" you to use it. I have never bothered with "barrelmancy" because I think it is just stupid. So I don't use it. I think that high ground should basically just help ranged (ie: arrows, spells) and not any close combat like backstab though. Same with the push mechanic, I can count on 1 hand how often I have used that. It does not negatively effect my ability to fight groups at all. Having that stuff included affects my immersion and play 0%. As far as "savescumming" again, you as the player can chose not to do it. If someone wants to play that way (not my cup of tea but whatever) I do not think they should be penalized for it. It is THEIR game.

I have to say, I do agree that having an ox, or bear use a ladder is stupid. I think if a druid transforms as a bear, than they should be a tank/dps machine, but have its limitations. Basically forcing the player to use range tactics or the pull mechanic to bring the NPC in range.
We are in agreement, not sure why you implied I was trying to take away the ability for others to play with the stupid stuff if they want to. I don't like this kind of stuff so I don't do it. Wouldn't even have known a lot of it was possible if I didn't read about it here because it is just that ridiculous. I do not have issues fighting stuff without it but some people might. I do not care if others do these stupid things in their games as I have said many times before. I just don't like that it seems that the stupid stuff is what Larian is expecting us to do all the time and they appear to be balancing the game around it. By balancing the game around a more immersive playstyle but also keeping the stupid stuff in for people who like it is in no way penalizing the people who like it. There are plenty of people who like immersive gameplay who also have difficulty with some things and they shouldn't be penalized for not using the things they don't want to use, or not realizing they can do certain things because those things are so stupid and unimmersive that the thought never crossed their minds.

That would be a delicate wire to walk on I think when trying to compensate and balance for both. Honestly, I think in the end, if you choose not to use the cheese, you are accepting a slightly greater difficulty to win a hard encounter. Which is fine with me, but I totally get what your saying about penalizing one group for the other. It would be really cool if they could achieve that perfect balance, but I think it might be more complicated to do so than we think it would be to make the fights totally even difficulty whether you want to use barrelmancy or not.