I personally like the game and like the direction development is going. I also understand that this game is in a pre Alpha or Alpha stage right now and has a long way to go before final release. It's too early to call the game a disaster or pass judgement in my opinion. Many things are subject to change between now and the final release. This group I talk about for some reason has already decided the game is going to be a failure and in my opinion it's too soon to say that. They also think that just because they provide feedback and give suggestions that Larian has an obligation to respond and do exactly what they say. That's not how EA works.
My last point is that everybody is entitled to their own opinion. No one opinion is more right or wrong than any other. That's what I've been trying to point out in the posts I've written since joining this forums earlier this week. Calling out people who tried to start review bombing campaigns and defending people such as the OP when they express a like for the game and get attacked for it. From what I've seen reading these forums and in the short time I've been posting it's always the same usual suspects with all the negativity. Most of them showed up here in this thread which was a positive thread and a counterpoint to negative threads such as "I'm out". Contrary to what's been said people who like a game don't play that game 24/7. Some of them actually do end up posting on forums and expressing a positive or favorable attitude towards the game that they are playing.
Here's where I have an issue with some of your comments. Your opinions are fine. If you like the game as is, that's all good. But there are many here who are not satisfied. And they aren't just complaining. They are explaining where there are serious imbalances in the game and even offering possible solutions. If you don't think the game needs such solutions, then please offer a counter point. But you don't. So far, you only speak in generalities and complain about the complainers.
If the complainers are not justified in their complaints, then highlight the specific reasons. Then we can have a discussion and toss out ideas and brainstorm. That's what EA is for.
Whether or not Larian decides to listen is up to them. I agree. But why even have an EA if your ultimate goal was to ignore suggestions and ideas?
So please Grinch. Since you like the game so much, why do you like it? What parts of the system works for you? I'm sure Larian would also like to hear what players like. Is it perfect? How can it be improved? What about some of the suggestions that are not good? So far all you are offering is, don't be mean to Larian. Am I wrong? If so, please call me out on it and we can discuss.