Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Great post and analysis, OP. I especially like your comparisons with combat in D:OS.

I was trying to figure out where I remembered your name, and then I realized we used to butt heads quite a bit over on Obsidian forums about the inclusion of turn-based into POE2. While an interesting experiment, it sadly didn't result in the sales boost I thought it would.

That said, the inclusion of turn-based in Pathfinder really did help out a lot, although that was probably because the source material was turn-based to begin with and the systems were so convoluted that it DID need turn-based for some people to understand the systems there. And I am pretty confident in my belief as a beta tester that PF: WotR is going to be the best RTwP game released in the past decade, if not all time.
HA. Yes I myself remembered who you are from the Obsidian forum. smile

My concern with PoE2 was simply that inclusion of a TB option was merely a stepping stone to completely removing the RTwP option in future games, and I think that concern remains valid. I have the same fear for the Pathfinder games. But for now I'm a huge fan of Owlcat as a cRPG studio precisely because they're doing a great job of providing both options to players, which is what is best IMHO. And yes, I am so loving P:WotR, and it is by far my most highly anticipated cRPG right now.