While I can understand anyone wanting to have their personal idea of perfection in the game, I think it is much better to just say so clearly, rather than try to elevate that notion above what others prefer.

Larian's idea of mechanics are unrealistic and silly, without a doubt. But the D&D rules, whichever version you prefer, have also always been unrealistic and silly.

The very idea that you can "balance" a game that is largely determined by the luck of the dice, or that adding more play options makes much difference just bemuses me.

I have played most of the BG3 encounters several times, rarely used or cared about the more unusual elements Larian have added, and have had the same encounter range from trivial to impossible entirely based on the luck of the dice. That's what D&D is about.

By far the largest influence on the difficulty of an encounter is whether you have already played it, and know what will happen. This far outweighs your skill with the rules, and whether or not you choose to use Larian's questionable mechanics.