Originally Posted by Pandemonica
Ok, I have to say this because it just really is bothering me. Not to mention it literally KILLS immersion. So bear with me...

You have to have PC voice in your interactions with other characters. I mean I get it, I have BOTH Divinity games, but in todays game environment it really just comes off as lazy. It totally breaks the immersion, not to mention, there are times in the game that the PC speaks during random conversions while in the world. So why not just go all the way with it? I mean this all started in Dragon Age, where everyone spoke except the PC, but I mean even they integrated PC voice in DA 2.

All in all, the game is really, REALLY impressive. I love it so much more than the Divinity series (but that was 4 years ago). Great world building, I recognize a lot of the lore from D&D, the party members are really interesting, and so are the quests. I honestly am CHOMPING AT THE BIT to play more content of this game. I just got it like 5 days ago, and I am already 30+ hrs in, and on my second play through. But the whole silent PC thing, it just kills it for me. I mean especially in the dream sequences. If nothing else, put it in the darn dream sequences...PLEASE.

Thank you.
I'd rather have more variety of voices for less dialog than a fully voiced PC, personally. If you fully voice a PC you've got two voices tops, if you don't fully voice them we get a lot of different options.

edit: Frankly I prefer there to be no VA work because I think it allows for more interesting writing, like with the Shadowrun games. Fully voicing a game decreases the amount of writing and not to mention makes it tiring to playthrough when you read faster than the dialog is read. I'm dreading trying Disco Elysium with the upcoming patch since I'll be skipping half that VA work people put so much time into.

Last edited by Worm; 21/02/21 10:56 PM.