Originally Posted by LordGiggles
Originally Posted by Pandemonica
Once again, VA work is not that expensive unless it is a major name doing it. Not to mention you are confusing a voiced main character with gender identity and validation? I mean where did that come from? I am pretty sure with over 300 employees working on this game, editing some voice for a MC is not some out of the question, or complicated thing to do. This isn't 2000, voice work is not overly complicated or cost prohibited. It seems your more focused on gender identity and sociological aspects, an misunderstanding what PC means in the title. PC = Player Character it does not mean Political Correctness.

VA work is absolutely cost prohibitive compared to non-voiced lines. Changing a line slightly to allow for a bit more reactivity is only as expensive as the actual implementation of code allowing for that, the writing is not difficult at all to adjust once the base dialogue is set. If you want that voiced, you now need the line completely rerecorded, with likely an entirely new reaction to that line recorded as well. The cost and time investment of doing that consistently over a whole game is obviously going to be much larger than in a non-voiced one.

With enough reactivity you're increasing the amount of voiced lines by a huge amount. It's not like a main PC voice is going to be some cheap nobody, it's a delivery you will hear literally all game, you're going to pay for someone skilled.

Generally during a productions cycle, it is rare that lines are changed once they are set. They go through a number of edits and revisions before they are finalized and signed off on (and usually have to be signed off on by multiple departments before recording). I have been in production work, trust me by the time you get to production, everything is pretty much set in stone. So the argument that it is cost prohibitive because of possible changes, is so rare, that it hardly happens.