Originally Posted by Baldurs-Gate-Fan
Well i support those changes..... but have anyone of you thought a little further?
Lets say all of this gets change the way it should be..... the encounters will have SUCH a dramatic dificulty spike without all the Larian cheese that they would have to rework most encounters. Now think about ALL the hundreds of encounters that have allready been designed also for act 2 and act 3...... suddenly you must rework them because Larian designed them with Larian cheese in mind.

The chances that this game will become a DnD game ist next to 0. You can see it yourself an the last Panel of Hell. Its more easy to make Larians Cheese getting approved by WotC instead of making a DnD game.

The Larian cheese actually wouldn't be touched much. Again, there's a reason I did not go after consumables and field effects.

Everything I listed are things that apply to both players and enemies. If we can't take advantage of them, the enemies can't either. And most enemies start in a position where they are in a much better position to take advantage of these mechanics than we are, so addressing these concerns would in theory have a much larger effect on reining in the enemy encounter balance rather than nerfing the player. The current situation leads to the sentiment that the encounter balance is far too skewed towards Larian cheese, running to high ground ASAP, and coming up with ambush tactics to take down most of the opposition during the first three turns. If a fight ever takes longer than 5 turns, chances are you had a plan that outright failed, or you're turtling like hell on high ground, and there aren't really any tools at our current levels to really turn a bad situation around due to the lack of key proactive abilities like the dodge action/ready action/player-controlled reactions (which would also do a lot in giving the player more tactical control over a fight).

And maybe you're right about the jump thing, but it should be left in for exploration purposes, like jumping down large distances with feather fall. But I do agree that having to press the button to jump up and down small ledges or small gaps outside of combat is a huge waste of time. Especially when 90% of that time is spent fishing for the correct angle for the game to recognize what you're trying to do. It should automatically calculate your path there and execute it, like how the game already moves you accordingly to attack an enemy with a ranged attack or spell if they're out of range from your current position.

Originally Posted by OcO
1. As I commented elsewhere, I'd like a range buff for bows/crossbows fired from height but honestly high ground is tactically advantageous enough inherently that I don't feel anything needs to be put in to replace advantage/disadvantage...just drop them.

I ran under the assumption that this is how bows already worked, but I did a quick fight and realized that high ground did not actually extend ranged attack range for whatever reason. Or if it did, the boost was minimal to the point of being negligible. Which is weird because that was exactly how high ground worked in D:OS2 (along with providing a damage bonus instead of an accuracy boost, though D:OS2 was balanced around the idea that hit rates were universally always in the 90+% range without use of specific spells).

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 22/02/21 08:38 AM.