Originally Posted by Baldurs-Gate-Fan
Well i support those changes..... but have anyone of you thought a little further?
Lets say all of this gets change the way it should be..... the encounters will have SUCH a dramatic dificulty spike without all the Larian cheese that they would have to rework most encounters. Now think about ALL the hundreds of encounters that have allready been designed also for act 2 and act 3...... suddenly you must rework them because Larian designed them with Larian cheese in mind.

The chances that this game will become a DnD game ist next to 0. You can see it yourself an the last Panel of Hell. Its more easy to make Larians Cheese getting approved by WotC instead of making a DnD game.

The difficulty of the game is a joke at the moment.
It's extremely hard if you don't use any "cheese" (including free advantages) and very easy if you use everything.

I agree that the game would be a bit too hard if they reworked things for a better D&D experience but on the other hand some easy things can be done.

One more member in your party and the experience is totally different. They could also remove 1 or 2 monsters, don't give them fire potions, decrease ennemies damages,.....

It's really hard to have a vision without trying another setting but what I'm sure : they'll have to change things because at the moment the difficulty level isn't good at all.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/02/21 08:19 AM.

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