Well let's get things back on topic. We can't assume Larian doesn't listen to the community when they did change cantrips, and adjust surfaces.

Originally Posted by Baldurs-Gate-Fan
Well i support those changes..... but have anyone of you thought a little further?
Lets say all of this gets change the way it should be..... the encounters will have SUCH a dramatic dificulty spike without all the Larian cheese that they would have to rework most encounters. Now think about ALL the hundreds of encounters that have allready been designed also for act 2 and act 3...... suddenly you must rework them because Larian designed them with Larian cheese in mind.

The chances that this game will become a DnD game ist next to 0. You can see it yourself an the last Panel of Hell. Its more easy to make Larians Cheese getting approved by WotC instead of making a DnD game.
This thread is more about improving tactical options for the player, it's okay if Baldur's Gate 3 is not 1:1 with DnD 5e RAW.

I've done several playthroughs without cheese and avoiding high ground, it mostly relies on resting and prepping before/after each encounter. It isn't a dramatic difficulty spike.
  • The biggest change is that there would be less lopsided engagements when a player first experiences a fight.
    A few anecdotes with patch 3, the gnolls start with the high ground and there are numerous fights where ranged casters can start with disadvantage because one enemy is 4 meters away.
    there should be more tactical variety for spells, since on a 1st playthrough the player won't be playing to avoid disadvantage all the time with ranged casters. The player won't just be backstabbing with fighter, ranger, rogue. etc.

And as much as I would love to write about possible solutions, it's rarely a popular topic unless players have experienced it before. It's easier to criticize the game on forums because we've all experienced patch 3. Forum members have the common ground to compare and contrast what we like and have not been enjoying. If solutions are proposed, it's something forum members don't get to experience on their computer and it will be hard to develop an opinion on. Some would need experience the changes themselves to develop an opinion on it.

If combat does become too difficulty there are options to make combat easier. (A few examples, but not limited to these examples).

  • Party size could be increased to five or six
    Character base stats could be increased for their core stat modifier
    The proficiency table could be adjusted to improve player accuracy at all levels.
    Stat for enemy encounters could be reduced.

The good thing about Dungeons and Dragons 5e is that it gives the dungeon master simple options to make the campaign easier or harder.

If Larian really wanted to go out of the box to make the game easier.
Post from another thread
Originally Posted by Baraz
Sorry, but I am pretty much against all the changes suggested here.

* Firebolt is a cantrip you can cast every single round.
SUGGESTION : I would not mind if similar attacks had better damage average like 3d4 (instead of 1d10).
Nb : The tabletop is a whopping 1d10. As a level 5 caster, you do 2d10 (tabletop).
Adjusting the damage dice to improve minimum damage rolls would definitely make the game easier. Average damage for 1d10 is 5.5, average damage for 3d3 is 6, average damage for 3d4 is 7.5, etc. Multiple dice are more likely to roll the average than a single dice, 3d4 would consistently roll between 5-10 damage.

I think it would be easier to go the route of either party size, adjusted character stats, or proficiency. It's less of a distortion to game balance than other changes could be. Larian has made games with multiple difficulties before, I'm sure they already have in-house ideas on how to increase/reduce difficulty.

Last edited by DragonSnooz; 22/02/21 04:27 PM.