
A devoted Astarion Stan did thard work of translating the Infernal seal that Cazador etched on Astarion's back.

The "Latin" seems to translate to this:

Hoyc inferiu non iurare per igneu

Naec virba loquor

Eoai mundo muoat


This soul swears no oath by fire

Nor words does he speak

In the realm of death

I don't know about you, but that sounds more like a spell than a haiku to me. My running theory is that the first line means that Astarion cannot make deals with devils to wriggle out of Cazador's control.

The second part might either prevent him from talking if anyone casts "Speak with the dead" to his corpse or, alternatively, to issue his own commands to the dead (which is why he might have been so interested in reading Thay's Necromancy in the first place).

Maybe if Astarion eventually tried to make a deal with Raphael, the cambion would react the same way that Ethel does to Wyll or to any one-eyed character -- "sorry, dearie, no deal for you".


Last edited by BeeBee; 22/02/21 05:02 PM. Reason: broken link