Originally Posted by xnihil0zer0
Originally Posted by Pandemonica
A lot of modern RPGs have basically dismissed the classic idea of "leveled" areas, and adopted the game mechanic of the level of your encounter is dynamic and chosen to match your level.

That's one of the worst mechanics. For me, it ruins any sense danger from powerful things in the world, and any sense of satisfaction from getting more powerful, or finding an interesting means of surviving an otherwise unbeatable encounter. I killed a dragon in Skyrim at level 2 with a basic bow and arrow and hiding behind some rocks. At that moment, I knew I wasn't going to play it for much longer.

You are really supplying an extreme example. Try attacking a group of level 3 enemies in EA naked and see how far you get. Not to mention, even if they are CLOSE to the same level as you, depending on what gear they have, that could be a seriously challenging fight. Lets be honest, Skyrim wasn't HALF as popular until their mod community got involved, actually it was negatively viewed when it launched.