Originally Posted by spectralhunter
It most certainly benefits min maxers just as much as role players because now not only can they maximize their ability scores, they can maximize racial skills/abilities.

Ah. Fair point. I had thought with the perspective of someone primarily interested in roleplay/stories (yet with an eye for a minimum power-gaming). Being not an expert power-gamer or a minmaxer, I didn't immediately think of racial traits. I thought : if you're a minmaxer and don't really care about who you play, race is essentially just giving you a set of ASI. But it also gives racial traits (skills, unique abilities, etc). So Custom Origins benefits minmaxers more than what I thought. Well, then Custom Origins probably benefits both roleplay-first players and minmaxing-first players.

@RagnarokCzD : yeah, there are overdone (and often poorly done) clichés, like the 8-Int Barbarian who's mentally retarded, the Thief who's kleptomaniac, the Bard who fucks with everyonething, ...

But I tend to consider Intelligence, Strength and Constitution as the most obvious of the 6 Ability Scores. Sure, there are several types of intelligence, and the whole verbal-social-emotional intelligence is essentially going under Charisma. The complicated ones for me are Dexterity and Wisdom, as they are kind of a dump-the-rest-together Abilities. (Also, if this thread veers off Tasha's Custom Origin rule, which itself was somewhat letting parts of the original post on the side, I'll blame it all on you ! :p Then again ... it's not like thread have a pronounced tendency to stay on topic too long either.)