Originally Posted by Anfindel
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
BG2 similarities : story and some returning characters.
DOS2 similarities: origins story, graphics, atmosphere, UI, items, vendors, combat, movement, low NPCs count, wonky world humor, etc etc...
<Original> stuff: D^D5th, dipping, cinematic dialogues.

Well, in as much as BG1/2 combat and itemization was based upon D&D 2.0, and used graphics and UI that are decades old, there is no way BG3 could be like BG1/2 in that regard.

BG1/2 also had more than its share of wonky humor - I recall riffs and callbacks to sitcoms of the time and a certain vegetable enthusiast as a major NPC as prime examples, so your humor comparison is off base.

In as much as we know for certain we do not have all the NPC's as yet, any discussion regarding that is premature.

On the other hand, BG3 is chock full of D&D lore - it's just much of that lore involves events occurring since BG1/2. It involves the same world and region as BG1/2. Same Gods still causing mischief and mayhem. Same bestiary.

So I'm going to rate this a 0% for constructive criticism and a 100% for bitching and complaining. You have made it consistently clear you do not approve of BG3, do not approve of DOS2, and find the game to be vomitous at best.

I personally find anything done post TSR to be an abomination and sacrilegious - yet you won't see me inflicting my personal opinion upon Larian in specific and the rpg community in general.

Plenty of incredibly constructive posts regarding BG3 items, UI, movement, etc etc...
Just stating the obvious on BG3 current condition.
The poster says basically its alright to call it BG3 just because of the story and some returning characters. I say take a look at the gameplay/atmosphere/UI. The game is 75% DOS2, 10% Baldurs gate, 15% D^D5th.

The more important question; Have you played and finished BG2? Seems like no one has.
BG2 was so awful to everyone that they had to go out of their way to make a sequel? Is that why we are here?
Decade old graphics and UI? ? BG2 UI blows BG3 out of the water. Why does being in 2021 have to do with anything? We see many successful MODERN retro style games (Hades, Dead cells, Pathfinder...). Good design is timeless. No need to reinvent the mouse : hasn't changed in over 20 years.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 24/02/21 02:03 AM.