Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Originally Posted by Ankou
WotC is actually phasing out the word "race" as well. I guess they don't want anyone get reminded of any painful reality in their fantasy games.

Tbh, I don't really uh feel their replacement word, "Lineages". Lineages makes it sound like everyone is of a royal line or something, while Race evokes ideas of different kinds of people to me.
I don't really mind them trying to replace it to avoid controversy or whatever cause functionally it is the same, but I'd prefer a different word to Lineage.
Oh, are they going all in on that? I assumed they were just using the term "Lineage" for Dhampir, Hag Heir, and Reborn because you can be any Race and still be one of those. A gnome Dhampir's race is still gnome.