Some races are too easily accepted in civilised areas.
For example gith and drow. The first reaction in groove should grabbing weapons followed up with persuade checks / proving yourself, not being hugged, welcomed in, and even approached by an elf high druidess to drive fugitives out.
I play a drow, and despite being eilistraeen cleric every single elf, human, etc npc keeps tapping her shoulder warmly in friendish manner. Awknard, totally breaking any immersion. And the worst even, if i tug along Laezel! Gith and drow walk into groove and everyone just gives you happy smiles and applauds you for poking about.
There should be hostilities in dialogues on first encounters, persuade checks all over the place to get anywhere. To make difference between seldarine and lloth/evil pantheon worshipping drow? Give to the seldarine drow bonuses on persuade checks afterall game makes them visually different (least for an elf).
Also the Laezel openning for her quest makes totally no sense.
So that guy has friend stabbed by a Gith and tells noone in the groove? and if he does, everyone just smiles as "gith" strolls about. Laezel goes out of her way to threathen the guy in the middle of the groove rofl and noone lifts a brow. You make the guy to kneel and everyone pretends to look elsewhere? The guy is not even standing anywhere aside of the groove, he is right in the middle of place serving as market place.
People who played Baldur's Gate 1/2 will be confused by that. They expect Drow being evil, supremacist Elves and are confused when no one fears or hates them.
That's the problem: If you remove any conflict and any differences from a game, you don't have a story anymore. People have no reason to play your game.
One of the coolest D&D sessions I had was when I allowed a player to play a Drow. She had to constantly hide her identity - but when we came to he Underdark she could pass of her fellow party members as her personal slaves and property

Political ideology kills every good story.