Originally Posted by Warlord999
Originally Posted by fylimar
I do love the game too. I have already 5 playthroughs finished and some, that are still going.

But you an voice your support of the devs and the game without attacking other members. Noone should be afraid in a forum to voice their opinions, whether they are positive or negative. People who don't like the game as it is now have the same rights to say that as people like you, who are liking the game.

Sorry, didn't mean to attack those who voice any kind of criticism of the game, thats why this is EA.

I meant people who want 1:1 copies of old BG games and are closed to any new mechanic or similarities to Original sin games.

Cool. Then perhaps you can partake in some of the threads and offer constructive counter arguments. I'm certain Larian would like to hear from the other side.