Originally Posted by Scribe
Originally Posted by Warlord999
Just wanted to voice my support for the dev team direction of the game.

What is the direction of the game? What about the mechanics provide a breadth of options and tactical depth? Do you feel that the balance of the game is improved with a swath of items and effects which replace or render obsolete Race, and Class abilities in addition to spells?

I played it once when it came out and it was a lot of fun for EA, that's what matters to me.

Only criticism that I had was to have more dialogue options, more consequences, more fleshed out characters and evil guys with an actual (undestrnable) agenda. I am more into story & roleplaying stuff rather than fighting.

This thread wasn't about concrete mechanics and such, but considering that developers are getting DDOS attacked and hacked by disgruntled players made me say out loud that game is good and they shouldn't lose hope.