I feel like I'm the only person in the past week who made a positive thread about the game WITHOUT taking jabs at people. I deliberately haven't been trying to keep said thread alive myself, because I though the forum would desire a wholly positive thread and naturally do it themselves. But apparently people would rather start shit everywhere else instead.

Guys, it's not hard to simply NOT speak to optimistic people or people even slightly critical of the game like both sides are in some goddamn war, but apparently certain Reddit types sure love to do it while patting themselves on the back for being 'non-toxic'. I'm not entirely sure this thread popping up right after this being posted on the Reddit is a coincidence either. And it is insanely disappointing to see a supposed content creator engaging in that behavior too.

Making something like this thread and faking an implied moral superiority ain't going to work. People are smart enough to see what you're doing with their own two eyes.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 24/02/21 05:42 PM.