Originally Posted by Warlord999

Game is already better than previous Baldur gate games (same as any Original sin games were superior), please continue on the same path despite the heavy criticism.

Few unhappy <link redacted by mods> forum dwellers here are a very small minority, a tiny one at that.

Can't wait to play the druid and next Act.

Good for you but sorry I find that a bit laughable, we don't even have the complete game to compare it to the original ones. It would probably help make your posts less abrasive if you liberally sprinkled your posts with 'in my opinion' rather than stating things as an apparent fact.

Granted there are probably a handful of posts which have maybe gone overboard in their criticism but being negative or providing constructive criticism is not 'toxic'. Some people don't even know the meaning of the word.

Also, nobody is asking for a replica of a 20 year old game.