Originally Posted by The_BlauerDragon
I agree with the OP... Playing as a Lloth sworn Drow should mean getting an overtly hostile reaction from EVERY civilized race that you encounter. Playing as a Tief should mean almost noone trusts you. Playing as a Halfling should mean everyone thinks you're going to pickpocket them at any moment. Playing as a Gith should mean you're treated with severe suspicion and hostility everywhere you go and that you're openly attacked if you go near anyone that's ever encountered your kind before (as the experience was most certain to have been an unpleasant one). If they ever put Aasimar in this game, I would expect a LOT of resentment from the tiefs.

Furthermore, choosing certain classes should illicit strong reactions. The Cleric (or Paladin, eventually) of an Evil God should not be well received in most places. If you're a Cleric/Paladin of Selune in particular then Shadowheart should, at best, clam up tight and keep her mouth shut (not even hint at, let alone give up the secret of who she worships) and should, at most realistic, slit your throat (or try to) the very first time that you go to a long rest with her in the party. I also don't imagine that a Cleric/Paladin of Mystra would take too kindly to hearing former archmage Gale talk about how he used to clap them magical cheeks.
I agree. It's just unrealistic when no one really pays attention to drow or thiefling, no matter who they are. Racism is bad in the real world, and bad in the game, too, but you shouldn't pretend it doesn't exist. Since it still exists in our world, DnD should be even more so, especially since, for example, drows have a much worse reputation than any people with a different skin color in the real world. When playing as drow or thiefling, I would like to feel that I am playing someone that others hate or at least do not trust. I want to feel like a badass, even if my character is nice and kind.
And if I play an aasimar, I want people to show me more trust or sympathy, and I want the thieflings, cambions and similar creatures to show open aversion.
And if I want to play the priest of an evil god whose worship is not secret, I expect at least a crooked glance.