Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by Pandemonica
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Neither of your links contradict what @Innateagle said. In DA:O, you can fast travel directly to camp, but only from the world map screen which you can only bring up in certain areas. You have to walk to the physical exits of most areas (e.g., Orzammar, Circle Tower) in order to make use of this fast travel.

It's the BG3 equivalent of having to physically walk to the glyphs in order to teleport from glyph to glyph.
Unless someone can show me a video, I am saying yes you could. It was the M button or hit pause and pull up quest map. there in the upper corner there was a icon of your camp that you could click on. Now there was certain areas, like the Deep roads that you could not use it. But if you were in any of the non dungeon areas you could pull up the map and QT. I am still googling it but every post I have found, states exactly what I am saying.
Specifically, in Orzammar and the Circle Tower, you can't directly fast travel to camp. I also remember, in the small town outside redcliffe castle, having to walk all the way back up the hill in order to fast travel.

Now, I'm remembering this for the PC Ultimate Edition. Maybe this was different for consoles..

Yeah I remember there were 2 or 3 certain areas you couldn't quick travel, but overall you could. I do remember Deep roads was one of them, and come to think of it Orzammar sounds right too. Which I agree with, if your in a dungeon like say the underdark, you should not be able to. But if your in the open world I really see no issue with it at all. Especially if your in a entirely new area, where you haven't found the stones, and you happen to be in a bad place with higher level npcs.