Originally Posted by tsundokugames
javelins vs spears is an important distinction that many people overlook.

spears are 100% two handed weapons and always have been. The entire purpose of the spear length is to keep shorter melee weapons away while you pierce the body and limbs.

I know this phrase gets used a lot of the internet, but I train with spears and teach how to use spears.

The spear and shield combination was widely used, yes, by almost EVERY civilization that has ever existed, yes, but there is a reason why every one of those civilizations adopted one handed melee weapons as warfare evolved, and relegated spears to front infantry. Two handed weapons and shields are not mobile enough for large group melee encounters where maces, morning stars, and swords were far superior.

The Roman phalanx was the last major use of the tactic.

The real world isn't based on Cid Meyer's Civilization.

I'd alos like to point out that "common" doesn't mean "good" ... I give you Pop Culture as the main evidence.

Thats actually the opposite of what happened. Once armor evolved everyone ditched their shields in favour of 2 handed weapons. Halberds (and similar weapons like bills), pikes, longswords (real ones, not the one handed fantasy longswords), polaxes, etc. The spear + shield shieldwall became a pike wall which dominated warfare for centuries.
One handed weapons, especially the swords, were just backup and duelling weapons.

Last edited by Ixal; 25/02/21 10:31 AM.