Norse Shield wall was a stationary infantry tactic, not a mobile melee unit.

The Phalanx, like the Hoplites were, was mobile; their tactic was to move the turtle shell almost like a rugby match. They sat at the front and created wedges in the skirmish that allowed the Maniples to run in and start decimating the barbarians with their sestas, gladius, and other weapons.

The Norse Shield Wall was a breach barrier. Different tactics.

Please stop confusing the actual item for the tactics being employed by the item.

As a melee weapon, a spear is two handed. Always has been. Always will be.

Two equally experienced spear practitioners, one with a shield, one without, the one without the shield will win a duel every time. Every time.

This isn't some slight against Larian. Basically every single video game developer in history gets this wrong.

Valheim spears also drive me insane.

Last edited by tsundokugames; 25/02/21 07:23 PM.