The workaround did not work (well, it did... but it didn't. Hard to explain), so I uninstalled GoG Galaxy and deleted the entire game... oddly, it would not allow me to delete the BG3x11 exe file no matter how hard I tried or what permissions I gave... so I have now reinstalled GoG Galaxy and am reinstalling BG3 in an entirely new location. Not sure if the wonkiness I have encountered had anything to do with it, but when I was trying the workaround last night and I played with the druid abilities the little popup windows (for selecting wildshape and one of the other abilities) would not go away once opened... no matter what I did. I tried going from area to area, triggering cut scenes, even long rest... they just stayed there. Anyway, when I'm finally done redownloading and reinstalling, I'll try again and post in one of the actual bug threads if it still keeps happening.

Last edited by The_BlauerDragon; 26/02/21 05:09 PM.