Well, I'm old enough (on this forum, needless to say) to remember some posts from when they were posted, so I can use my memory to complement the advanced search function and the sometimes pages and pages of returned results.

Issues with the UI, Controls and Quality-of-Life features have been abundantly described in posts by Firesnakearies, Zellin, alice_ashpool, Niara, and myself, to name but a few (by chronological order, and this of course omits many such feedbakcs).

All of these posts are of the "one person, all topics" kind. I believe (read : hope) that there's some value in these, if Larian has someone dedicated to reading the forums and thoroughly recording the recurring issues raised by players. How big a leap of faith this requires is everyone's opinion.

Then there is the extreme opposite kind of post, which is the "one single topic, everyone posts here" kind. I believe (again : hope) that there's some value in these. I would presume that, if someone at Larian scrupulously analyses the forum posts, they would at least care about thread title + first page + number of replies. The thread on the way Larian manages party movement is dreadful recently got promoted to the mega-thread status, and I would be more than happy to see "UI and controls" join it. I don't know to what extend the OP's title can still be edited, but this thread might as well be it, for all I know (i.e. not all forum threads ever).

I'm also hoping there's some value in the recent wishlist and worries threads, which are a bit less "one single topic", but should still be useful to Larian if they have someone meticulously recording feedback.

Of course, there's a lot of hope in here, notably the hope that Larian cares and has any plan to act on this feedback. And as much as I would think they'd be wrong if they thought so, I'd be happy to hear Larian say they won't change these things (be it because they like the way they are, or are just not capable of changing them, or else, the reason doesn't matter nearly as much as the decision). Given that these issues have been reported for a while, and that very little has changed, it's hard to be too hopeful. I mean, how hard is it to add a hotkey for jump ?

Last edited by Drath Malorn; 26/02/21 06:43 PM. Reason: Jump : hotkey