Originally Posted by Tuco
At this point saying I'm getting discouraged about this game is putting it mildly. This patch seems like a fucking bummer from top to end.
I almost feel ashamed about the fact that I defended Larian when this was announced saying that I trusted them to have the talent to make a great Baldur's Gate sequel... Then again, it's not the talent that's missing here, it's the intent.

Frankly I'm sticking around just to chitchat sparsely about the game and share pointless opinions with other users, because I'm fairly resigned to the idea that nothing the community is being vocal about will matter in the slightest.
Hell, if anything Larian seems to be fond (possibly even PROUD) of all the "junk" they are injecting into the system and how it's effecting the flow of the combat.

You and I butted heads so many times before the end of 2020. I am actually sad that resignation has set in (for both of us).