Originally Posted by Etruscan
Originally Posted by Merry Mayhem
• Wizard can still learn Cleric spells, since this is patch 4, starting to think Larian sees this as a feature and no a bug.
• Food still heals in combat and since there a video tutorial for it, I expect that is here to stay.
• Moving behind someone still gives advantage and since there a video tutorial for it, I expect that is here to stay.
• Higher ground still gives avantage for attacker and since there a video tutorial for it, I expect that is here to stay.

This is depressing. No communication with the community on why, just a video tutorial reaffirming their stance.
These are all the worst aspects of BG3 so far.

If they think giving Wizards access to all spells is good and fun they have no clue how a class based system needs to work. Wizards are my favourite class and I certainly don't want them overpowered in this cheesy way. And if I play a Cleric/Warlock/Druid, I don't want Wizards to take away my unique class perks.

And since Backstab and High ground are so easy to pull off and game changing powerful, they are actually making tactical combat worse, not better. Something that you always do is not a tactic, Larian.

The food healing in combat is just utterly stupid as a concept, even. And again, makes healing classes worse.