I'll add my own observations after a few hours of the new patch (7 of my 108 hours), whilst trying not to repeat the OPs observations. As off writing I hadn't competed an Act 1 playthrough - I had to quit after Gale glitched outside the Temple during combat, preventing me from ending his turn and continuing - last bloody Gob to kill as well frown . Plus repeated attempts at the fight with the Woad things and Mud Mephits took up a lot of time(RNG still hates me).


So far I'm enjoying it, but I haven't played real D&D since 3.5, so no idea if it is true to the current rules. Not sure I like the idea of Shapeshifting with only 1 HP left, soaking up more damage then shifting back before going down - seems a bit of an exploit for me, but I'm sure some will make full use of it.

The new interactions with Nettie were welcome as after a couple of playthroughs I stopped bothering with her.

I got the Faithwarden reward without having to save scum the rolls, which was nice. Also, it's a faster route to the gauntlets from Zevlor than getting Halsin back.

The climbing graphic looks a bit weird to me.

I had odd graphic glitches and weird lines displaying, but I'm using the DX-11 settings and my rig is around 5 years old.

Random Stuff
Can't pick the lock to Khaga's chest. Stealing the key won't let me open it either. Still got the quest resolved by fighting the Woad things and finding the letter.

Locks in the Blighted Village (particularly the Smithy) are no longer pickable. The key is easy to get though.

I think we really need an obvious button to cancel Concentration spells. I finished the swamp Woad thing fight (third attempt) with my PC dead inside a cloud created by Gale with around 3K turn before it dissipated. I couldn't rez her, my companions wouldn't jump away (it was on the bit between their island and the little one with the container), I couldn't go to camp and use the Lich/Undead fella either (wouldn't let me). Fortunately I could do the replenish spell with Gale and recast the cloud thing elsewhere and access Tav (I gave up renaming them). I had a similar issue earlier trying to get through my own Vines casting without taking damage. If there is an existing way to cancel a Concentration area spell, please make it more obvious to senile old farts like me.

I got caught out in the dungeon where you rescue the downed gnome druid. I usually enter through the external door after getting fed up with the protracted destruction of the guardian statue. Now the statue at that end shoots you as well. So after reloading and going in the old way via the prison and shooting the statue, killing the Gobs, I sent Astarion on his own over to get the key, as I have done for the past 5 or 6 play throughs. He died before I could jump back when the the new statues on the opposite wall all shot the crap out of him. The Gnome can bugger off.

I now go round the side of the Blighted Village and start the combat on my own terms. I noticed the sleeping Bug Bear now has 27 HP not 8 and I didn't one hit it with my Druid. Also during the subsequent fight when I was on top of the smithy my companions wouldn't move to a position to shoot the Gob inside the Smithy like they used to - they simply tried to shoot through the roof. My neighbour now thinks I'm an angry psycho.

I've still got a lot to play through for this Druid, but I'm a bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot down, so It might not go well.