First off, hello all, been a while. Glad to be back after a long break from EA, but I came back to play the new patch so here is what I've experienced so far.

Like to list off for one, Thank you, Larian! for listening to the group of us that said drow should have Keen Senses like all the other elf people. Equality for all elves! grin

I feel listened to, but I know I was not the only one asking for this to be added. Again thank you for listening!

Now for the druid, I actually am enjoying it some. It is still kind of buggy, but I like where you went with it. If you keep this up I am really going to enjoy all the classes once they are implemented to the game.

I like how more class dialogue and situational advantages for certain classes is now important to the game.

I like how you changed up some scenes, such as with the tiefling thieves ran by Mol and changed it up some story wise.

Really enjoy that the druid has advantages in the scene with talking down Kagha, which I already noted I just wanted to show how much I really do appreciate the effort of listening to the community about adding in more diversity for work arounds and creativity.

Also really enjoying that Speak with the Dead cutscene to add more depth to the game. Now its not quite as boring to talking to dead people. wink

I like the new spells added to the game, the quality of life changes really speed things up and don't bog down game play too much, and liking the over all effort you have put in so far into the game.

There are of course some things that got busted, which are to be expected in EA. Some cutscenes got either busted or lost, like the one with Shadowheart at the gate when you first talk with Zevlor. I'm still kind of at the start of it all, but really the things I found were mainly positive and very few negatives.

I got to say, I am looking forward to playing another wizard play through, but you made me want to play a druid, which I loved the idea of playing a druid and finally got the chance to really get a solid story with one and it not be totally cheesy. Thanks again for that!

I hope the rest of you, the community, enjoying the new changes as much as I am. The game really has come a long way from the start, and while more work I will concede, still needs to be done. If Larian keeps progressing in this direction I think we will all be enjoying the full game greatly!

Last edited by Ghost King; 27/02/21 04:13 PM.