My biggest issue is that story is often missed if you don't end day frequently. Regardless of what Nettle says, more than one person says to get a healer and fast, so I don't want to end day often. Natural tendency is to push on as much as possible. Thus, I miss story because I don't end day every 10-20 minutes of gameplay or whatever.

My second biggest issue is that there have been times I literally long rested, ran through Blighted Village, and no fights and a party member said they were tired and we should call it a day just because they had some dialogue to share.

I just think, if you want to only have major dialogue at camp, give me reason to go to camp to dialogue other than end day. Make any time you go to camp a time to potentially dialogue and make it so that camp is the only safe place for short rest. Outside camp, potential random encounters. Then people will camp and have more chance to dialogue besides end day.

I feel like days are quicker than XCom when you speed up time. Lol.