Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
I noticed that Halsin and Nettie have much more dialogue and information to share about their tadpole investigations, that was great.

This is a pretty huge change too. Nettie's dialogue especially does wonders to resolve the gameplay vs story conflict concerning using long rests while infected with the tadpole. Players now learn as early as their first Grove visit that they aren't in immediate danger and can use the resting system without worrying about losing the game.

There's also just all around a LOT of new dialogue for druids in the Grove. I loved it. Having a debate over the druidic teachings of Silvanus with Kagha to convince her she is wrong was very satisfying. Not to mention that the special druid knowledge checks explain SO MUCH about the Rite of Thorns and points you in the direction of investigating Kagha and the Shadow Druids. I've never been naturally inclined to look into it on previous characters because you're not really told that this is worth further investigation. Makes a lot of sense than you as a druid would be able to tell something is up.